foaf:OnlineEcommerceAccount leaf node



Online E-commerce Account


An online e-commerce account.

Superclasses (1)


Instances of foaf:OnlineEcommerceAccount can have the following properties:

From class foaf:OnlineAccount
foaf:accountName rdf:Property Indicates the name (identifier) associated with this online account. rdfs:Literal
foaf:accountServiceHomepage rdf:Property Indicates a homepage of the service provide for this online account. foaf:Document
From class owl:Thing
dc:date owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:description owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:title owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
foaf:dnaChecksum rdf:Property A checksum for the DNA of some thing. Joke. rdfs:Literal
foaf:givenName rdf:Property The given name of some person. owl:Thing
foaf:membershipClass rdf:Property Indicates the class of individuals that are a member of a Group owl:Thing
foaf:nick rdf:Property A short informal nickname characterising an agent (includes login identifiers, IRC and other chat nicknames). owl:Thing
foaf:phone rdf:Property A phone, specified using fully qualified tel: URI scheme (refs: owl:Thing
foaf:title rdf:Property Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr. etc) owl:Thing
vs:term_status owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
wot:assurance owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
wot:src_assurance owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing


@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix vs: <> .

foaf:OnlineEcommerceAccount a rdfs:Class,
        owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Online E-commerce Account" ;
    rdfs:comment "An online e-commerce account." ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy foaf: ;
    rdfs:subClassOf foaf:OnlineAccount ;
    vs:term_status "unstable" .